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In the Sokuluk district, a man was beaten in the presence of police officers!

In the Sokuluk district, a man was beaten in the presence of police officers! SCNS employees have been inactive for two months already!

On July 28, 2021, Kirghizbayev Uson Abduvaitovich applied to the “Kylym Shamy” Public Foundation with a request to provide him with legal assistance. In the evening, on June 14, 2021, in an arable field located on the territory of the village of Tyuz in the Sokuluk district of the Chui region, he was severely beaten by a group of persons consisting of 5-6 people. U. A. Kirghizbayev, born in 1987, came to the field to buy feed for cattle. In addition to 5-6 people, three employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sokuluksky district of the Chui region were present when he was beaten. One of them is named Nurdin, presumably he holds the position of a district police officer. In the intervals between the beatings, the police officers, instead of stopping the illegal actions of unidentified persons, demanded that U. A. Kirgizbayev confess to committing fraud, threatened physical violence in case of refusal to admit guilt. After the beating, three police officers took Kirgizbayev U. A. to the building of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sokuluk district, where the alleged district policeman Nurdin conducted a personal search without drawing up a protocol and took away 8,500 (eight thousand five hundred) som, passport, technical passport for a car and a mobile phone. After that, U. A. Kirgizbayev was taken to the investigator's office, where the above-mentioned Nurdin, who took his personal belongings, gave them and part of the money - 3,500 (three thousand five hundred som) to the investigator, leaving himself 5,000 (five thousand) som. At the end of the interrogation of Kirgizbayev U. A, the investigator drew up a personal search report, then took away his car, and let the beaten man go home late at night, returning 3500 (three thousand five hundred) som. Having insufficient knowledge in the field of protecting his rights, U. A. Kirghizbayev filed an application on these facts to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sokuluk district of the Chui region, which was registered in AIS EPPP No. 03-009-2021-004188. Perhaps with the aim of distorting the facts, the case was registered under Article 266 ch-1 of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, instead of Article 143 (torture) of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, the wife of Kirgizbayev U. A., Uson kyzy Asel, on June 14, 2021, also filed an application to the prosecutor's office of the Sokuluk district for the purpose of taking measures against persons who beat her spouse, which was registered in AIS EPPP No. 03-009-109-2021-000034 under Article 321 h-1 of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. After registration, the prosecutor's office of the Sokuluk district sent an application to the prosecutor's office of the Chui region for further referral for investigation. We believe that the pre-trial investigation based on the materials of AIS EPPP No. 03-009-2021-004188 in the production of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sokuluk district is conducted biased in order to hide the employees of the same Department of Internal Affairs, and the investigative actions are delayed intentionally. In addition, we do not exclude that the investigator may be pressured by the leadership of the Sokuluk’s district police department to avoid negative consequences for senior officials (in the form of disciplinary liability if the guilt of the employees is proved, since the heads of the Sokuluk’s district police department are interested in their subordinates avoiding responsibility), due to the fact that U. A. Kirghizbayev directly indicates that three employees of the Sokuluk’s district police department were present when he was beaten. According to Article 33 ch-3 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Kyrgyz Republic "Powers of the prosecutor", " To entrust, transfer for investigation to an investigator or a group of investigators criminal cases, an authorized official of the body of inquiry or a group of authorized officials of the body of inquiry of the case - about misconduct in accordance with the jurisdiction, in exceptional cases - regardless of the jurisdiction. Exceptional cases are: biased conduct by the investigator of the investigation of the case; exerting pressure on the investigator from the officials under whose authority he is, in order to make a particular decision; the public significance of the case; the expediency of conducting an investigation on the case by the body that revealed the crime in this case;" Based on the above and taking into account that the officers of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sokuluk district of the Chui region participated in the beating of Kirgizbayev U. A., it would be more expedient to entrust the investigation with the UGKNB in the Chui region. Currently, the “Kylym Shamy” Public Foundation has sent a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office of the Chui region in defense of the interests of U. A. Kirgizbayev.

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